Survey created by Jamie at Perpetual Page Turner, but I nabbed it from Jenna at Falling Letters! I spent way too much time on this – I’m sure you’re not supposed to obsess over your answers this much! – but whatever. Enjoy!
Author You’ve Read the Most Books From

I’m willing to bet VERY good money that Seanan McGuire holds this trophy for me! I have read: 9 of her Wayward Children books; 16 of the Toby Daye series; 5 from InCryptid; 2 Indexing; 3 Velveteen vs; 3 Ghost Roads; 4 Newsflesh; 2 Rolling in the Deep; 1 Alchemical Journeys; 1 Parasitology…and that’s all without going NEAR the dozens and dozens of short stories and novellas! Maybe hundreds, at this point.
(I own MANY more of her books than that, but I’ve been more scatterbrained the last few years and haven’t actually read all of them yet. I will though!)
Did I mention she has THREE names she writes under? That I know of???
Seriously, if you enjoy her writing you will NEVER run out of things to read!
Best Sequel Ever

I just…have no idea how to determine a best sequel. If it’s, what sequel levelled up the most from book one?, I’m inclined to pick Gifting Fire. The first book, Stealing Thunder, was wonderful: Gifting Fire blew me away! The scope and stakes were expanded so much, and the villains were actually smart!!! Which made the story so much better BUT HI, GAVE ME SO MUCH ANXIETY!
I need more people to read this duology so Boyden writes more books and publishers publish them, okay???
My review! (spoilers for Stealing Thunder!)
Currently Reading

I read a lot of books simultaneously, okay? Don’t look at my goodreads Currently Reading shelf if you value your sanity.
You see why the ADHD diagnosis made so much sense!
Drink of Choice While Reading
Hot chocolate if it’s cold, dragonfruit or pear juice if it’s hot.
Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Eventually Dated in High School
…Have you SEEN what I read?! The characters I like are either happily involved with someone else, and/or are their own kind of fucked up. As I was, in high school!
Glad You Gave This Book a Chance

Ink Blood Sister Scribe is a book I almost didn’t pick up – I hadn’t heard about it before I spotted it on Netgalley, it was by a debut author (so no way to know if my unreasonably picky self would like the author’s prose, the most common reason I DNF), and something about it gave me Too Contemporary vibes.
But I decided to try it, and I am SO HAPPY I DID! It ended up being one of my faves of last year!
Hidden Gem Book

How is everyone sleeping on this series?! Evans isn’t just a master worldbuilder (ALTHOUGH SHE VERY MUCH IS THAT), but she is amazing at getting me deeply invested in her characters and all the intrigue they end up involved in. Intrigue which is delicious, by the way. And did I mention the magic system based on/inspired by clinical anxiety?!
Important Moment in Your Reading Life
When I was a TINY!Sia, my kindergarten teacher read to us every day from a book of short stories and poems. I loved it so much that the teacher suggested my parents buy me a copy, which they did.
I lost it years later, and I don’t remember it well enough to track down another copy. But I can remember a lot of the inner pages, the absolutely beautiful illustrations.
I think that was when it became obvious I was a book-person. It might even have been what MADE me a book-person, or at least, it definitely contributed.
Just Finished

Finished these two a few hours apart – VERY different approaches to sci fi! Hades Calculus casts the Greek gods as the guardians of a domed city on a monster-ravaged planet, and there is not a single cis man anywhere in the cast; Space Oddity is Eurovision in space, take #2, and is determinedly hopepunk. But both books are extremely…extravagant, I think is the word I want. Albeit in very different ways!
Kinds of Books You Won’t Read
Well, most anything that isn’t SFF, for starters (with the very rare exception made for the occasional romance). Literary fiction of any kind is banned utterly from my reads, I find it an unspeakably dreary, pretentious, masturbatory genre. No thank you!
Longest Book You’ve Read
Lord of the Rings, if we’re counting it as one book the way Tolkien intended.
The other ‘longest books’ from the lists I found I’ve mostly DNFed (The Stand, Mary Gentle’s Ash), although I do adore long books and would like more of them, please!
Major Book Hangover Because Of

I’ve tried to read this a few times and bounced off it, but I gave it another go after discovering this review – and I’m so glad I did, because hi, meet my new fave!!! I had to go lie down after I finished it, and just stare at the ceiling for a while. It’s so good that I don’t know how anything else could compare. I WANT TO READ IT AGAIN ALREADY.
Number of Bookcases You Own
Five, but two are mostly my husband’s! Of the remaining three, two are half-full of not-books; unicorn paraphernalia, pokemon figures, my collection of mini snowglobes (I bring one home any time I travel), and my tarot decks, of which there are MANY.
Still leaves plenty of space for books, though!
One Book You Have Read Multiple Times

I have read this book four times this year: I read my arc three times, and then I devoured the finished published version.
Preferred Place to Read
It’s a family joke that I can read anywhere: upside-down, in a car, train, plane, walking…and in a submarine! (Just the once.)
Which is to say: I don’t have a preferred space. I’ll read anywhere! (Including spaces I really shouldn’t!)
Quote that Inspires You/Gives You All the Feels from a Book You’ve Read
Wreak havoc, said Nature. Raise hell.
—Scapegracers by H. A. Clarke
Reading Regret
Not sure this counts perfectly, but: when I was 18, I dropped almost everything and ran away to Finland. And I left most of my book collection behind – if I had a digital copy of it, I didn’t bring my paper copy/copies. I had so little room in my suitcases! But I do regret leaving them, and wish I’d been able to bring them with!
Series You Started and Need to Finish

I already mentioned that I’m behind on Seanan McGuire’s books, right? I really need to catch up on her October Daye series especially!!!
Three of Your All-Time Favourite Books

I thought it would be more fun to pick books not already mentioned in this post, so – ta da! Have three amazing self-pubbed books you should absolutely read. I have not yet managed to review Domesticated Magic, but I have reviews for the other two, so you can read all about why I love them!
My review of The Heretic’s Guide to Homecoming: Book One!
My review of Rituals!
Unapologetic Fangirl For

In no particular order: CSE Cooney, Catherynne Valente, and KD Edwards. Those three I will ALWAYS go nuts for!
Very Excited for This Release More Than All the Others

Gotta be Saint Death’s Herald by CSE Cooney! Saint Death’s Daughter is MY book, the book of all the dreams you don’t remember in the morning, because perfection is too painful to remember. I don’t think there’s ANY book I’m longing for as much as this bright yellow sequel!
Worst Bookish Habit
Either my inability to start reading books I’m excited about, OR, my requesting more books on Netgalley than could ever be considered sensible. One (or both) of those for sure!
X Marks the Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book

See, this is very fun to do with my kindle, because the order of the books isn’t static on a kindle, they move around!
…Looks like, right now, that spot belongs to an arc: The Gentleman and His Vowsmith! I got significantly less excited for this one when I discovered, by complete fluke, that Rebecca Ide is a penname for the same author who wrote Between Dragons and Their Wrath, which I despise utterly. But Vowsmith is a different genre, so there’s hope!
Your Latest Book Purchase

Alyson Greave’s Welcome to Dorley Hall stunned and impressed me, but I probably wouldn’t have picked up Kimmy if I wasn’t seeing it all over the Best of Year lists (among those who read trans indie/self-pubbed fiction, anyway). This one’s about someone who puts on a gutted android as a costume, then can’t get out, only 500% more fucked up than you could imagine.
ZZZ-Snatcher Book (last book that kept you up WAY late)

Stayed up late rereading Goblin Emperor, surprising absolutely no one!
Let me know if you decide to do this survey too!
I love your story about Tiny!Sia adoring the book your teacher read to you in kindergarten. LotR is also my longest book read. KIMMY does sound like a wild read…
Thank you!
KIMMY is…super dark! But very readable? I think it’s well done, but I’m not sure I’d recommend it!