Outshining the Sun: Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
You know how they tell you, don’t judge a book by its cover? ABSOLUTELY JUDGE THIS BOOK BY ITS COVER.
You know how they tell you, don’t judge a book by its cover? ABSOLUTELY JUDGE THIS BOOK BY ITS COVER.
Wyrd & Wonder isn’t just for books, and there’s one tv show that fantasy fans definitely need to hear about.
For my first Wyrd and Wonder review, I wanted to talk about one of my favourite books in all the world. The problem is that I have no idea how to describe it.
Last post, I talked about some of my favourite magic systems; this time around, I want to showcase some of my favourite magical/supernatural abilities. The difference? A magic system is a magic system; a magical ability is more like a superpower. The latter is a lot more limited in scope; a character with a magical […]
For my third Wyrd & Wonder entry, I wanted to showcase some of the coolest magic systems I’ve come across!
Some of my favourite books about my favourite magical creature!
Other books told me I could survive.
Fantasy said I could triumph.
Phoenix art credit Sujono Sujono! This is my first time taking part in Wyrd & Wonder, an annual month-long celebration of the fantasy genre hosted by Jorie, Lisa, and imyril! And I mean…come on. It’s ALL THINGS FANTASY. Of course I had to join in! Fantasy is my life. A whole bunch of other bloggers […]