It’s almost time for The Hanged Man, book two of the Tarot Sequence, to meet the world – but we don’t just want it to launch; we want to launch it into space!
That’s where you come in. To celebrate the epic glory of this series and share our love for it, Kathy over at Pages Below the Vaulted Sky, K.D. Edwards himself, and I will be running all kinds of incredible events over the next few months – there’s going to be contests, giveaways, quizzes, and more, with prizes ranging from deleted scenes from the series, to audiobooks, tarot decks, and copies of Last Sun annotated by K.D.! But the biggest and best part of the festivities will be – you! Because all together we, the fans, are going to bring four of the Arcana Courts to life with a Hanged Man street team!
What’s a street team? A street team is a group of people who promote and hype-up something they care about – in this case, The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards. How you promote it is limited only by your creativity – you can work in the virtual world or the physical one, and everything from reviews to tweets to beat-boxing your love poetry to the series counts! Every member of the street team will become a Scion of one of the Courts, and each Court will be awarded points as the promo events run from November through December, and the street team from November to January. The full, official announcements will come on Halloween, at which point there’ll be more details about all we have in store!
But Scions are at the top of New Atlantis society, and if you become one, we’re going to treat you like it – there’ll be Tarot Sequence swag and even letters from your Court’s Throne coming your way, and all kinds of exclusive access to behind-the-scenes lore and deleted extras from the books!
So get ready to declare yourself a Scion of the Sun, Tower, Justice, or Death Thrones of New Atlantis, then work with the rest of your Court to boost Hanged Man every way you can!
Sign-ups are open now, and will be open until November 5th!
Now, the Arcana take allegiances very seriously, so to help you choose wisely, we have secret info on four of the Courts from K.D. Edwards – for Scion eyes only! – and a little bit about the meanings of their respective tarot cards. You can read about the Tower and Death below, and check out Kathy’s page for the Sun and Justice Courts (and a much cooler intro to the event in general)!

The Dagger Throne
Modern Family Name: Saint Joshua
Lord Tower is the current Arcana of the Dagger Throne. A renowned artist, politician, and entrepreneur, he had been the old Monarchy’s chief spy and executioner for centuries. He’s largely credited with holding the Atlantean people together when the royal court failed in the aftermath of the Atlantean World War. He is a central power in the Arcanum, and the holder of many secrets.
The Tower card in the tarot can be frightening—it’s a card of upheaval and change, usually painful or chaotic change. But it’s also a card of profound insight; the revelation that comes when you see past your own self-delusions, or the lies of others. The Tower of your life only falls because it was built on weak foundations: though it may be difficult to rebuild, it is necessary, and in the long-term, you will be grateful for it—and stronger than you ever were before.

The Bone Hollows
Modern Family Name: Saint Joseph
The current Lady Death assumed power as a teenager, the youngest Arcana in modern history. Her mother, the Dowager Lady Death, was injured in the Atlantean World War, though there is also quiet gossip that her removal was somewhat more engineered. While older generations of the family have leaned heavily into the pomp and mysticism of death, the current Lady Death is widely known for her practical and progressive views.
Despite having the scariest name among the Major Arcana, the Death card is actually one of the most positive in a tarot deck. It’s not a warning of a literal death, but a herald of change and rebirth. Phoenixes and snakes are sometimes used to illustrate this concept in modern decks; like the phoenix being reborn from the ashes, or the snake shedding its old skin, Death promises renewal and the casting off of what you no longer need. Sometimes this change is difficult, but you need to move forward and embrace it—after all, no one can escape Death.
Love this idea, and I just signed up:-) You guys rock!
Thank you! But Kathy’s the one who really deserves all the credit 8D And WOO, delighted to have you on board!
[…] can read more about the Sun and Justice courts HERE, and Tower and Death courts HERE) Also, we would LOVE it if a couple of more people joined Sun and […]