Must-Have Monday; September’s Epic Releases, Part #1
this month’s Must-Have Monday posts will be dedicated to keeping everyone up to date with all the fab books September’s spoiling us with.
this month’s Must-Have Monday posts will be dedicated to keeping everyone up to date with all the fab books September’s spoiling us with.
Tomorrow sees the release of three books I’ve been incredibly excited about for a long time!
Usually I feature a few different books on Mondays, but today I just want to talk about one: The Black Veins by Aisha Monet!
As someone too fond of both alliteration and scouring publisher’s catalogs, Monday is the day I list some of the upcoming books I’m most looking forward to!
As someone too fond of both alliteration and scouring publisher’s catalogs, Monday is the day I list some of the upcoming books I’m most looking forward to! And it being Pride Month, these will be skewed even more heavily than usual in the direction of queer lit.
Hopefully I’ll eventually have a pretty graphic for this, but since I’m obsessed with upcoming releases (and alliteration) I figured it would be fun to have a regular post featuring some as-yet-unpublished books that I, for one, am coveting dearly.