I Can’t Wait For…Under the Dragon Moon by Mawce Hanlin

Posted 12th June 2024 by Sia in Can't-Wait Wednesday / 2 Comments

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Wishful Endings to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about but haven’t yet read. Most of the time they’re books that have yet to be released, but not always. It’s based on the Waiting on Wednesday meme, which was originally hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine

This week my Can’t-Wait-For Book is Under the Dragon Moon by Mawce Hanlin!

Under the Dragon Moon (The Belamour Archives Book 1) by Mawce Hanlin
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Contemporary or Urban Fantasy, Queer Protagonists
Representation: Trans MC, M/M
Published on: 20th June 2024

To break the thread of weaver’s fate, those who witness must weave anew…

Mael Nguyen doesn’t believe in fate, but he does believe in magic. His entire life revolves around the study of the arcane—spells and rituals, potions and illusions. As far as Mael is concerned, all he needs is a book in one hand and magic in the other. Anything outside of his bookshop, hidden away in the streets of New Orleans, isn’t worth his attention. But when a strange human stumbles into his life and hires him for a job, bringing along his blinding smile and curious magic, Mael finds that Fate is just as dangerous as Magic.

Leo Greyson refuses to believe in fate, but he desperately wishes to believe in magic. As a small time rockstar, full time radio host, Leo has never been one to shy away from experience and adventure. He’s always lived his life on the edge—always moving, never standing still. But when his twin sister is murdered, and he gains custody of her strangely magical daughter, that constant motion comes to a screeching halt. Instead, he is launched into an entirely new world hidden right beneath his nose, and Leo finds himself wondering if Fate really does exist, and if she’s led him right where he needs to be.

A queer take on magic, murder, and romance, fans of The Dresden Files, Howl's Moving Castle, and A Marvelous Light will find family, acceptance, and a fantastical new world to get lost in within the pages of Under the Dragon Moon, the first book in the Belamour Archives.

As well as that stunning cover (by artist Anniris), Under the Dragon Moon ticks a bunch of my boxes. For example, I have a truly stupid soft spot for magical kids with helplessly flailing guardians – no idea why, but I very much do! And I suspect a whole bunch of us can appreciate the idea of a life of ‘a book in one hand and magic in the other’, no? Living in a MAGIC BOOKSHOP??? #LifeGoals much???

I already love Mael and I kinda want to be him.

The blurb says ‘when a strange human stumbles into his life’ so is Mael not human? We know the world of magic is hidden – Leo enters ‘an entirely new world hidden right beneath his nose’, which heavily suggests not everyone in the Belamour Archives world knows about magic. It’s a secret. So who, or what, populates the magical world? If Mael doesn’t consider himself human???


This sounds fun, and sweet, and possibly hilarious – there’s so much potential for shenanigans! – and I can’t wait to get my hands on it!

What are you looking forward to reading atm?


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