Sunday Soupçons #31
Elves, saints, and scholars!
Elves, saints, and scholars!
A non-traditional fantasy classic, and queer teenage superheroes!
A messed-up portal fantasy (kinda) and trans historical horror!
A maybe-fantastical historical novel in Tsarist Russia, and a beautiful but horrifying queer awakening in a magical dystopia.
Bipolar disorder in a secondary-world fantasy, and a surprisingly hopeful cli-fi from Doctorow!
The music industry as religion + aliens, and spirits of the land at war with each other.
One book I loved, with massive misogyny problems; one book I could barely stand, that had so much potential it didn’t live up to.
Rereads of two long-time faves!
Chinese bandits taking on the Empire; a world where eating is taboo and sex is casual; and midwives with otherworldly powers!
Unfathomable libraries and portal fantasy packed full of intrigue!