Sunday Soupçons #36
Sapphic spider-monsters and dragon-riders!
Sapphic spider-monsters and dragon-riders!
She does not, in fact, eat moths.
It’s not a police procedural, and it’s not a romance, but it is my favourite.
We have a new record: FIFTEEN DNFs this month.
I am WRECKED, I am BROKEN, I am sending the author SUCH a thank you note–
An animal empath rejoins the illegal dragon-racing circuit to save her family, and it is EVERYTHING you never knew you wanted!
…Twelve DNFs this month, eek!
I think I might be ruined for romance by anybody else.
The Prince of Christmas falls in love with the Prince of Halloween and HI, MEET MY NEWEST FAVE!
In which a trans witch sneakily joins an order of anarchist witches!