I Can’t Wait For…Space Oddity by Catherynne Valente
Eurovision in space, take #2!!!
Eurovision in space, take #2!!!
PRIDE LASTS ALL YEAR: or, queer Adult SFF releasing from July-December!
No one who’s been paying attention will be surprised by literally any of my choices here.
10 of my favourite novellas and short story collections!
I need all of these SO BAD.
I have AGONISED over this list, but here it is at last: the best published-in-2023 SFF I read this year!
10 fantastic minor characters I’d love to see star in their own stories!
My very favourite books featuring the Fae!
Asexual Pinocchio retellings, Orisha magic in Shakespearean London, and Australian-inspired dragon riders!
The MANY SFF releases of 2023 I consider absolutely unmissable!