Fast and Furious DNF: Forging a Nightmare by Patricia A. Jackson
Not so much nope! as absolutely fucking NOT.
Not so much nope! as absolutely fucking NOT.
I couldn’t put it down for a second, and I did not want to.
Quiet and sweet and you will cry at least once.
But that’s okay.
An original take on shapeshifters in Urban Fantasy, and hopefully the start of a series, because I want a sequel, damn it!
I never doubted for a second that this was going to be good.
But it’s not good.
It’s motherfucking breathtaking.
This book is an outpouring of feels and laughs and found-family and queer celebration, and I could not possibly love it more.
Look, if you want good Urban Fantasy, just go read The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards. You’ll save yourself a lot of pain.
Two short reviews for the first two books in the Ghost Roads series!
I have no clue what’s going on, but it’s so good that I don’t even care.
Listen, all you really need to know is BUY THIS BOOK IMMEDIATELY!