In Short: November

Posted 30th November 2024 by Sia in State of the Sia / 6 Comments

This month’s been a rollercoaster; I was rejected for a job I really wanted and thought I was a perfect fit for, and the hubby and I chose a new apartment we’ll be moving to in the New Year. I’m a little sad to be leaving the area we’re currently in – we’ve been here about a decade – but it means massive savings for us AND an incredible yard for the dogs, and hopefully some excellent lifestyle changes for the cats and the lizard too.

ARCs Received

Strictly speaking, my copy of Moonstone Covenant is a finished copy, not an arc – but I was so happy to get it! Happily ensconced in it now. Six Wild Crowns is a debut from a new author that’s currently on my Unmissable list for next year; Drop of Corruption is the VERY EXCITING sequel to Tainted Cup, one of my favourites from this year; and Murder by Memory is Olivia Waite’s return to SFF, after an incredible historical romance trilogy!


15 books read this month, five less than October. As in October, though, I mostly ended up rereading old favourites this month – nothing new really appealed, at least until I discovered Mat Weber’s Streets of Flame series (I am WILD to get to the next book!)

Highlights were Metal From Heaven (my fourth read of it!), Goblin Emperor, And All the Stars (easily my favourite first-contact story), my favourite Barbara Hambly novels, and the first two Street of Flames books!


So much for catching up on reviews this month! Sigh. Guess I shouldn’t hold my breath for being more productive in December… I’m pleased with what I did get written, though, especially my review of Windburn Whiplash (which goes live on Tuesday)!


Ather DNFing 12 books in October, it’s a relief to only have five this month!

ARCs Outstanding

Still hoping to catch up to a few of these whose releases I missed…

Unmissable SFF Updates

I had to cut one book from my 2025 list – it’s not being published next year after all – but I got to add nine too! I’m now up to 63 books, and you know it’ll be much longer than that before we’re through…!

How did my predictions/anticipated reads for November go? I declared seven books Unmissable for this month, and–

  • four were DNFs (Interstellar Megachef, The Teller of Small Fortunes, The Lotus Empire, and Witch Queen of Redwinter)
  • two I haven’t gotten to yet (The Legacy of Arniston House and I Am the Dark That Answers When You Call)
  • one I’m currently reading (The Moonstone Covenant)

Which I think we can all agree counts as a massive fail of my prediction skills!


I’m very glad I started assembling my best of the year lists months ago! My favourite 2024 releases list is currently 24 books long, and probably won’t get much longer now. Very much looking forward to seeing everyone else’s lists!

Looking Forward

It’s December, of course there aren’t many releases next month! But Infernal Bargains and Rebel Blade are two I’m immensely looking forward to.

May we all have a delightful December!

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6 responses to “In Short: November

  1. You are such an impressive reader. I’m really sorry to hear about the job (“The FOOLS!”) but I am always excited about news of moving, especially when there is a YARD involved!

    I too reread Goblin Emperor last month, and the rest of the Cemetaries of Amalo books. Never read that Hambly though!

    Mostly through Rozakis’s DREADFUL, which is sometimes laugh-aloud funny, and looking forward to reading Sherry Thomas’s next LADY SHERLOCK mystery which has been waiting on my shelf for far too long.

    Can’t wait to get Infernal Bargains in your hands. If its pub date is delayed, I will be very sorry about it. Small press stuff. 😍

    • Kaila

      The Prince Without Sorrow is a bummer just because the cover is so nice.
      I also reread a few faves this month, something in the air I suppose, as well as read Metal From Heaven for the first time (incredible).
      Also looking forward to Infernal Bargains!

      Happy moving!! Clearly the job was not meant to be, but I’m sorry they’re missing out!
      Hope you have a wonderful holiday season ❤️

      • Sia

        Ikr? Both the US and UK covers are stunning! But I’m DELIGHTED that you liked Metal From Heaven!!!

        Thank you! May you have an excellent December also!

    • Sia

      Thank you! (They ARE fools!) I may share pics of the yard eventually, but it’s covered in snow at the moment, so it might be a while.

      I am both pining for the last Amalo book and dreading it. I don’t want the series to be over!

      Dreadful is on my tbr, but I’ve never heard of Lady Sherlock, I may have to check it out!


  2. Sorry about the job falling through – hopefully that means there’s a better one waiting in the wings.

    I’m curious to hear your final thoughts on Moonstone Covenant as I’ve been sitting on a digital ARC of that for far too long. As for 2025, a new Karen Memory book? Sign me up!

    • Sia

      Thank you – I’m sure I’ll find another job EVENTUALLY.

      I’m enjoying Moonstone Covenant so far, although it’s a little but tell-don’t-show – but what it’s telling is so pretty I’m inclined to forgive it. AND IKR – excited to reread Karen Memory to prepare for the new book!

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