Must-Have Monday #209
Tea-magic, merboys, and queer anarchists!
Tea-magic, merboys, and queer anarchists!
Aka, the books I absolutely MUST get to before Summer!
We never quite manage to read all the books we want to read, do we?
Every year, the Best Ofs are filled with books published that year – but what about the awesome books we read that were published earlier???
An elderly Chosen One, Twin Peaks+wizards, and your choice of magical wars or intergalactic ones!
A number of my most anticipated reads of 2023 ended up DNF-ed, alas!
Princesses, pirates, and spaceships!
Gender-flipped Alexander the Great, IN SPACE, is every bit as excellent as it sounds!
(And yes, it’s very queer.)
Multiverses, criminals marked with extra shadows, and gods of little white lies!
The MANY SFF releases of 2023 I consider absolutely unmissable!