Must-Have Monday #134
Asexual Pinocchio retellings, Orisha magic in Shakespearean London, and Australian-inspired dragon riders!
Asexual Pinocchio retellings, Orisha magic in Shakespearean London, and Australian-inspired dragon riders!
The MANY SFF releases of 2023 I consider absolutely unmissable!
Tea dragons, superheroes, and old classics reimagined!
Epic fantasies, nettles, and a Finnish Persephone retelling! (…Kind of.)
The Hourglass Throne is out on May 17th. But what to read until then???
10 books I didn’t quite manage to read last year!
Bisexual SFF recs for Bi Visibility Day!
Dreamscapes, battle dragons, and polyamorous mecha are just a few of this week’s NINE new releases!
Quiet and sweet and you will cry at least once.
But that’s okay.
This week we have EIGHT books to get excited about, from queer ghost stories to Arthurian retellings and epic fantasy with feathered dragons!