11 Books I Still Need to Read This Year!
An accountability post!
An accountability post!
Bond girls in space, Towers ruled by eldritch Ladies, and fish communism!!!
A cartel heir on a prison planet is about to get an extra dose of sunshine.
10 of my favourite novellas and short story collections!
Department stores for dreams, (sort-of-)magicians out to save England’s magic, and trans mutiny!
Fae, wizards, vampires, valkyries – there’s something for everyone!
We’ve got FANTASY, we’ve got SCI FI, we’ve got HORROR and SCIENCE FANTASY and SPEC FIC; trad-pubbed and indie and self-published!!!
The Hourglass Throne is out on May 17th. But what to read until then???
My absolute favourite books of the last 10 years.
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt – Books I’d Want With Me While Stranded On a Deserted Island.