Strap In For a Wyrd & Wonder-full Time!

Posted 1st May 2022 by Sia in Blogathons / 8 Comments

tree wolf image by chic2view on

Wyrd & Wonder is a celebration of all things fantasy, a blogathon that takes place every May – which obviously makes it one of my favourite times of year! There’s so much amazing content from so many amazing people – and I love getting to join in!

This year May is also the final push of the promo campaign for KD Edwards’ The Hourglass Throne – and then the aftermath! So it’s already going to be quite a busy month for me, but I’m determined to still take part in Wyrd & Wonder.

My plans are to post sequels to my now-annual cool magic systems and cool magical abilities lists; rec lists for fantasy fans looking to get into scifi, and fantasy for scifi fans; and I have a number of reviews for some very cool books scheduled!

Then there are the reviews I’m currently working on, and intend to have up this month…

I’ve got my fingers crossed that I can also manage to write some more rec lists, an essay or two, and pounce on at least some of the Wyrd &Wonder prompts! But no promises.

And what about my tbr? My focus will definitely be on the ARCs whose deadlines are next month…

But there’s plenty else I want to get to as well!

All in all, I’m super excited – and you can bet I’ll be stalking the W&W Master Schedule to make sure I don’t miss anyone else’s fabulously fantastical posts!

It’s Wyrd & Wonder time – here we go!


8 responses to “Strap In For a Wyrd & Wonder-full Time!

  1. azucchi

    Yeeeahh here we go! I have an ARC of A Taste of Iron and Gold that I’m very keen to get to soon! Most of your other books are new to me, and I love the way I’m already discovering new things on day one!

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