Best Laid Plans: Wyrd & Wonder Is Back!
It’s MAY, and that means Wyrd & Wonder! Whatever shall I be reading???
It’s MAY, and that means Wyrd & Wonder! Whatever shall I be reading???
I saw this tag over on Paper Fury, and it looked like fun! Sooo…I did it! I think her version is slightly different to the other one going around, but I liked the extra questions in this one! How Much Have You Read? Since I started keeping track of how many books I read a […]
You couldn’t pay me to move to the USA, but the fact is, it’s tough to be a book blogger outside North America. Forget attending cons or taking part in giveaways; it’s virtually impossible to get a physical Advanced Reader’s Copy if you’re not a US resident. Which leaves us with digital arcs. To me, […]
Today my blog is ONE WHOLE YEAR OLD! It’s also the first day of Pride Month! It’s no coincidence that those two dates are the same – I started Every Book a Doorway so I’d have a place to talk about queer fantasy, and although health problems meant I wasn’t as active for my first […]
Things have been a little quiet around here, but that just means there’s a lot to catch-up on! Let’s get started, shall we? Some personal news first: I went to WorldCon! It was wonderful and a little overwhelming; I really wish I’d been able to go with a friend, as was the original plan. But […]
In 2016, I managed to read 300 books. I’m pretty damn proud of that. But getting my first job – part-time that became full-time – plus various health issues and actually attempting to have some kind of social life – all slowed me down a lot. This year has been especially sucky in terms of […]
WAIT WHAT PYR LINKED TO MY BABY BLOG??? EXCUSE ME WHILE I IMPERSONATE A GLITTERY HEADLESS CHICKEN FOR JUST A SEC Ahem. Okay, for real, I’m good now. Totally. We will now return to our regular scheduled programming.
Despite the fact that I created a NetGalley account back in 2011, I’m definitely what I call a baby blogger. I have tried book blogging before, and even dabbled at book vlogging for a while, but I never stuck with it. There’s a bunch of reasons for that, not least my chronic lack of commitment […]