The most magical month of the year is here, and that means: Wyrd & Wonder! Wherein a whole bunch of us blog about the fantastical (even more than we usually do!) Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in; just check out the link for the rundown on all you need to know!
This year’s theme is MAGIC, which means I am THE MOST EXCITED! Magic is at the heart of Fantasy, and the heart of magic, imo, is wonder – even terrifying, deadly magic still makes you catch your breath; even when it’s ugly, magic is the act of rewriting reality, and what can be more wondrous than that? I can’t wait to see what everyone does with this theme, and I hope I can do it justice myself.

I’m not promising to stick religiously to this year’s prompts, but I’m more than happy to dive into my tbr for prompt #1 – although who knows what I’ll actually end up reading???

I have a number of ARCs to be reading, of course, but these are, I think, the ones that best fit Wyrd & Wonder’s theme this year! Plant magic, otherworlds, void-magic, and books of spells respectively – I don’t see how I can go wrong with these!

Aka, a small sampling of books I already own and really need to read – Wyrd & Wonder should be the perfect time for these!

Exactly what it sounds like; books I’ve read before and want to read again! Particularly The Map and the Territory; I’ve been trying and failing to review it since DECEMBER, and I’m hoping a reread will help me put its amazingness into words! (Amazingness is totally a word, hush!)
New Releases

Books releasing this month that I cannot WAIT to get my hands on! (And I assure you, the only reason Martha Wells’ Witch King isn’t here is that I’m reading it now – and am just about to finish it!)
Have I bitten off more than I can chew??? Almost certainly! But isn’t that half the fun? And I’m sure at least a few of the things I’ll end up reading will be completely unexpected surprises…which is definitely the other half of the fun!
Check out the spreadsheet or the #wyrd&wonder hashtag on twitter to see what everyone else will be reading!
It looks like you’ve got some great reading ahead of you!
And I’m looking forward to it!
Welcome to this year’s Wyrd and Wonder :D you have so many good books to read! I recently heard of The Map and the Territory and it looks so good, I need to get to it soon!
Thank you! :) And I STRONGLY recommend Map and the Territory; it’s one of the most gorgeous books I’ve read in YEARS!