10 2022 Books I’m Grabby-Hands For
10 books 2022 needs to deliver unto me IMMEDIATELY!
10 books 2022 needs to deliver unto me IMMEDIATELY!
A queer shaman must travel deep into her spouse’s past on Mars and beyond to determine the future of planet Earth.
Sorcerers, cities made of mushrooms, and a return to the world of The Goblin Emperor!
Queer fungi-punk where it’s paladins vs cops.
All the queer SFF I’m excited about this month – including one or two books you might not have known feature queer characters!
SFF books featuring autistic MCs and/or by autistic authors!
Three mini-reviews this week!
Ace books for International Asexuality Day!
Aliens, sorcery in parliament, and monster-hunting galore!
Exactly what it says on the tin.