The (Totally Definitive) Best Fantasy & Sci-Fi Books of 2023!
I have AGONISED over this list, but here it is at last: the best published-in-2023 SFF I read this year!
I have AGONISED over this list, but here it is at last: the best published-in-2023 SFF I read this year!
A gothic mansion with swords and monsters, and an investigative journalist AI!
Rewinding mirrors, contemporary cosmic horror, and deeply troubling children’s tv!
Angels, sleeper ships, and mythical Southeast Asia!
Sirens and magic schools and dual selves!
Ace books for International Asexuality Day!
The MANY SFF releases of 2022 I consider absolutely unmissable!
This week we’re getting NINE new SFF books that deserve your attention, such as Sleeping Beauty multiverses, magical tournaments, and regency dragons!
10 books I’m determined to read this Fall!
Ten books with numbers in the title!