Must-Have Monday #193
Romeo & Juliet with fairies, sapphic deathspeakers, and a mountain the size of a planet!
Romeo & Juliet with fairies, sapphic deathspeakers, and a mountain the size of a planet!
Monsters struggling with spaghetti (and Feels), fantasy Vaticans, and Black and autistic horror!
After nine DNFs in August, I’m relieved to only have four this month.
Futuristic fantasy in Finland, statues coming to life, and many reasons NOT to whistle after dark!
A Finnish magic school, many mermaids, and blood-maidens!
Let’s get some nonbinary pride up in here!
10 books 2022 needs to deliver unto me IMMEDIATELY!
A Finnish magic school story?! With a nonbinary protagonist named Magic?! GIMME!
Three mini-reviews of books I loved!
The MANY SFF releases of 2022 I consider absolutely unmissable!